The east coast has been ravaged by afternoon and evening storms in the past week, menacing storm clouds, large plumes of black crawling across the sky. So it was on Thursday night for the August 18 game sitting this time on the first base side. Here was the perfect perch to see the approaching storm coming in from our left raucously announced by thunderous lightening bolts that took the crowd's breath away.
Behind me someone remarks, " I didn't know they were going to have fireworks tonight!"

The game proceeds with Worley on the mound. The Phillies score 3 runs in the first 3 innings, enough excitement to keep me screaming and on my feet. Then the inevitable happens. The infield cover is unrolled, with an announcement, barely in time, warning us to get under cover. A few short minutes later, the torrential rains pour down on the field and throughout the ball park, debris swirls everywhere. A young boy starts to cry, and for a few minutes, there is a sense of real danger in the air. Packed under the the ballpark awnings, we are treated to a downpour that ultimately lasts over 2 hours.
After an hour, Melvin and I decide to go home. Walking to the subway in a more subdued rain, we still assume that the game will be called off completely because the thunder continues all around us. But when I arrive home to switch on the radio around 10:30, they have actually resumed play. The Phillies score again and win it 4-0.