This blog began as a way to record my musings about preparations and travels to the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada February 16-27, 2010. From that amazing experience came this ongoing story of becoming a sports fan. You can follow my tales of awe, agony, and all the emotions in between as well as view pics from seasons of Phillies baseball. Along the way is a little Eagles football thrown in for fun, and even some astronomy and weather related tales. I feel lucky to have witnessed some historic games, some heartbreaking losses, but all wonderful when told from this new fan's point of view.

Blog Archives postings:
Dec 2009-Feb 2010
March 2010-Dec 2011
Baseball and more
2011 The Phillies do again, winning the Eastern Championship for the 5th straight year.
April 2012-Sept 27 2012 Not the best season for the Phillies
2013-We wait and see!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Return of winter January 5

After the knee high snow blew into town in December,  another 2 inches  arrives in time to meet our new students  wrapped in snow coats, hats and scarves and an excitement about beginning their English language studies at the Drexel English Language Center. Hiking up the Drexel University campus hill from the orientation, one student has stopped by the fence that surrounds the community garden next to the ELC building.. The plantings are now dormant, with remnants of wood frames and tall grasses peeking through the white. I am caught by the expression on the student's face, and stop to admire this small scene with him. His face and body are relaxed and totally still as if his eyes and skin are the lens of a camera taking as clear a photo as possible to show his family.

I learn that this is his first time seeing snow. His first time!

That expression:. The essence  of wonder and awe.